Thursday, 3 May 2012

What Obama's Speech Mean for Pakistan

There is nothing New for Pakistan. President Barack Obama has celebrated the anniversary of his success at Afghanistan. An election campaign where the US President made a speech when everyone was sleeping in Afghanistan and a prime time in the US.

Lack of Trust on Pakistan
People of Pakistan know that the US was deceived by the former Pakistan President  General Musharraf, but then Musharraf was a dictator and the US had endorsed him to the dismay the people of Pakistan. Musharraf not only was a  lair who killed innocent citizens in Balochistan but he was also not reliable. People of Pakistan understand the US frustration but then it was their own fault that they always trust military rulers in Pakistan. Shame on you the Bush administration. Now you want to punish democratically elected government only because you got lack trust? It was very simple if you trust a person who  deceived his own people, one who violated the constitution of his own country, who was disloyal to his own institution - he did not allow deserving generals to rise to the rank and perpetuated his rule. 

US frustrations is understandable after all they had invested so heavilly in Afghanistan and Pakistan but unfortunately they were betrayed by Musharraf. What is frustrating people of Pakistan that Americans have always been using cash to decide the fate of innocent citizens. During the war against former Soviet Union when the US funded Madrasas they were wrong too. Not knowing that those receiving money for madrassas were not the true blievers. No muslim will take money for Jihad from a Christian. Those who got money from the US were the fake people. So now they US military is expected to stay for a longer period. Persumably not to create the situation that was one before. At least President Obama's speech was reflection of that.

US President Going for Election is not Trustworthy
I am not worried how many Pakistanis are killed by the US drones. I am not worried if US again ditches a democratically elected governemnt, no surprise. What alarms me most is that the US President was not in the frame of mind of the PResident of a responsible statte. But he was probably in electioneering-mode! Obama's in his bid to please the large audiences blamed Pakistan to coverup the wrong backing of a dictator by the US for so long. Shall Pakistanis charge him for war crimes? Obama had no mikes embeded in Afghanistan to reveal his disarmament plans as happened in Russia. Obama's electioneering boasting has endangered the regional peace in South Asia.

Complicated Relationship
Ther is no doubt that the US relationship with the Pakistan has remained complicated. People of Pakistan understands that why the US chose Zia ul Haq ( a military dictator ) to rule for so long in the country.. Why they still talk to the military rather that the elected government. "I have made it clear to its neighbor -- Pakistan -- that it can and should be an equal partner in this process in a way that respects Pakistan's sovereignty, interests and democratic institutions," Obama said. Wish the US President had respected any of the words. He had been killing people of Pakistan at the indication of the Army. 

If the US has to ease and straighten its relations with Pakistan better talk to the elected government and not to the military dictators. How can Clinton point fingers to China when when US record on human rights in Pakistan is questionable.US has yet to address to the concerns of Pakistanis towards growing Indian presence in Afghanistan. India has already endangered south Asian by unusual proliferation of nukes in the region.

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